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Colin Firth and Matthew Macfadyen are a pair of WWII intelligence officers in 'Operation Mincemeat' (May 11, Netflix).A pair of insomniacs experience nightlife in 'Along for the Ride' (May 6, Netflix).'Nope'ĭo we know anything at all about this move other than its cast (Daniel Kaluuya, Keke Palmer and Steven Yeun), that it has something to do with something happening in the sky, and that it was written and directed by Jordan Peele? Nope. Now we're finally ready to find out what Tom Cruise's Pete 'Maverick' Mitchell has been up to all these years, and whether or not he's lost that lovin' feeling. We've been feeling the need, the need for speed since the sequel to the 1986 original was set to fly the friendly skies back in 2019. (Remember, dates are always subject to change.) 1.

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Here's your guide to summer's best and brightest movies, coming soon to a theater or a streaming service near you. There are some big dogs ready to get out and play in the yard, including Marvel heavy hitters (in addition to 'Strange,' there's a new Thor movie on its way in July), marquee franchise fare (new 'Jurassic Park' and 'Despicable Me' entries and a 'Toy Story' prequel, of sorts) and a 'Top Gun' sequel that has been waiting to take off for what seems like forever.

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