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The other boat had exploded, and Robbie and his group sped toward them. The woman who had flipped the group off shouted: “Help us! We’re burning!” Robbie said. In the video, the occupants of the other boat can be seen swimming while the boat behind them goes up in flames. Robbie said his group pulled the occupants of the other boat out of the lake and took them to safety. He said the group was rude and didn't say much after being rescued. He called 911 and police arrived to extinguish the fire. USA TODAY has reached out to the Grant County Sheriff’s Office for comment.

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The sheriff's office told the Spokesman-Review they do not know the cause of the fire, but the three occupants, two men and a woman, were able to escape.

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Robbie said the group does not intend to press charges and posted the video online as a message and lesson 'to other people with like minds as theirs!'Īfter posting the video on Twitter and photos of the incident, Robbie tweeted a video on Tuesday that he was back out flying his pride flag.

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